My phone carrier demanded I switch to a new 5G phone when my old 4G phone worked perfectly fine. Like some people, I read both good and bad reviews about 5G. In today’s age of misinformation, I decided to look into why my phone carrier made it mandatory that I switch.
Why Do I Need A 5G Phone?
During today’s inflation it is natural to be suspicious of big corporate gouging. But, is 5G just another corporate sales gimmick forcing us to buy the latest phone with a faster processing chip, or are they trying to lock me into a long-term commitment even though the ad says, “No Contract?” Some companies are even offering free phones.
We all know there’s a catch. If you don’t own your own phone or pay the full purchase price, we know companies upsell fancy smart phones and add monthly fees to your bill that averages out the cost of the phone over two years, therefore increasing your monthly fees and taxes. If you can pay hundreds of dollars or more for a new 5G phone, it is cheaper to purchase your favorite phone by avoiding the monthly burden.
However, in order to access 5G signals, you need a 5G phone because your old 3G and 4G phones are not capable of receiving 5G service, but 5G phones can still receive both new and older generation signals.
What is 5G?
In simplistic terms, 5G means “Fifth Generation.” So, if 5G is simply the updated version to 1,2,3, & 4G, then why the negativity about 5G? Some say that 5G is dangerous and will cause brain cancer, or worse, cause planes to malfunction and crash in mid-air.
With all good conspiracies there is a shred of truth that makes the average person question fact from fiction. Let’s break down the facts.
Is 5G Bad For you?
There are some experts who say that increased exposure to large amounts of 5G cellphone radiation could be harmful to your health. However, the same was true and even more dangerous years ago before the government found a need to regulate the amount of radiation modems and cellphones can transmit.
The telecommunication and cellular business sectors are highly regulated. It is reasonable to believe that any new 5G device manufactured in the United States of America meets all federal guidelines making it safe for consumer usage.
Countries such as China may have different restrictions and government protections, so please check to see if they meet U.S. standards before purchasing electronic devices while traveling overseas.

Will 5G Crash Airplanes?
What about all the reports that cellphones interfered with airplane instrumentation? There is some truth to that conspiracy. Domestic airlines make you put your phone in “Airplane Mode.” Airplane Mode is simply a way to shutoff your cell service, while still being able to use your phone for other things.
Now, many flights offer WIFI service and allow passengers to use their cellphones to surf the internet and make VOIP phone calls in mid-flight. What changed is still not fully clear because no one has all the answers. But here’s what we found.
The problem with airplanes is not coming from our phones. The problem is related to the placement of 5G towers. New 5G towers that are too close to airports can interfere with a plane’s altimeter operating at a 4.2GHZ frequency, which can lead to a catastrophic crash.
Europe and parts of Asia have had fully operational 5G long before the United States. But, other countries that rolled out the early stage 5G do not have the same dangerous problems with their 5G near airports. The reason is that when 5G was rolled out overseas the 5G frequency was approximately 3.4GHZ, which is far from commercial airlines’ minimum altimeter range.
Who’s Behind The Switch To 5G?
The answer is simple. As Artificial Intelligence technology advances, it needs software and hardware devices to evolve in order to take full advantage of all the benefits that artificial technology has to offer. Even the remotest rural areas are getting in on A.I.
President Biden campaigned on broadband for all Americans, while some holdout Republicans who didn’t vote for the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill are proudly taking credit for popular rollouts across their districts. What’s not in dispute is that both the government and big tech wants 5G to be more accessible across the country.
The Pros and Cons To Having 5G.
Now that the FAA recently approved the first flying cars in America, we are officially entering the age of The Jetsons. What was once a futuristic cartoon is now becoming reality.
The most important advantage to 5G over 4G is that it’s one hundred times faster than 4G and a thousand times faster than the earlier 3G. Faster WIFI speeds and greater bandwidth are important to the rapidly advancing technology.
Corporate advertisers make it more and more obvious through commercials about A.I. gaming, next generation electric cars, home security systems, medical alert devices, autonomous vehicles, home 5G appliances, Google Maps, and more. It seems like everything is becoming interconnected and we are gradually buying into it with each new gadget and free Application.

Devices That Require 5G Upgrades?
Now that we know some of the ‘pros and cons’ to having 5G and who’s behind the sudden urge to transition to the next generation, what devices in your home may require a 5G upgrade?
If you have a device that is connected to the internet you should contact your local provider to see if you need to upgrade. If you are in the market for a new home appliance, home security system, medical life-saving device, smart television, new automobile, computer, or cellphone, first check if your device is already 5G capable.
One thing that is for certain is that there will be a next generation and 4G will soon be obsolete.
Foreign countries such as China are already working on 6G, but don’t worry, your 5G device should be good for the 5-7 years, with the exception of computers and cellphones, which seem to have a four-year optimum life span before slowing down in speed and function.
How To Upgrade To 5G Service.
All the major cellphone carriers offer 5G in its basic service. As a telecommunication customer you may already be using 5G talk and text and don’t even notice.
When a cellphone connects to a 3G, 4G, or 5G tower, it is generally unnoticeable in the talk quality. However, you will notice a definite difference in speed while surfing the web. When your home WIFI has multiple users using multiple devices at once, you may notice the difference if you have slower 4G internet speeds.
Please note, all cellular providers are not created equally. Depending on where you live and your proximity to a carrier’s cell tower, a cheaper prepaid company service could possibly exceed a more expensive big brand company. You should research which company has the best service in your area or where you plan to use your phone the most.
For example, it may be more important to you that your cellphone has excellent reception where you work than at home, where you may have poor service because you live further from your carrier’s local cell tower. A lot of people no longer have home landlines and enjoy the convenience of receiving all their calls to one number, or simply as a means of cutting costs. At home, many cellphones are able to connect to your home’s WIFI, making it possible to get crystal clear service even when you don’t live near a cell tower.
You can go to your cellphone provider’s website and view a map of what local and national areas they cover. On a color-coded coverage map, cell carriers will tell customers where they have 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, and/or 5G coverage. Companies say that their new 5G towers cover larger areas and 5G is able to penetrate thick walls better than prior generations.
Leading companies such as T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon offer 5G within their basic service. Surprisingly, you can save money buy purchasing their prepaid service or by subscribing to an independent retailer such as Cricket, Metro PCS, Virgin, and other cellphone carriers that use the major carriers’ cell towers.
Boost Mobile was purchased by Dish Network to create a new major telecommunications competitor to Charter Communications and the above-mentioned leaders. Until Dish Network finishes its instillation of 5G cell towers, Boost will continue to lease T-Mobile’s and AT&T’s cell towers.
Is Artificial Intelligence Watching You?
Ready or not, 5G is here and it is changing the way we communicate with each other and A.I. More importantly, 5G is changing the way our smart devices communicate with each other in a global AI that monitors our locations, spending patterns, what we watch, and much more.
For instance, have you ever mentioned a product or searched online for something and later notice the number of ads and articles related to your search? If this has happened to you, it is not by chance. Advertisers are able to track you through AI marketing networks where your personal information is stored and sold daily.

How To Stop Companies From Tracking You.
Stopping companies from stalking you is not simple, but some apps and websites are making it easier for consumers to control their cookie settings. To learn how to stop marketing companies and hackers requires that you do your own research.
Learning how to change your cellphone and computer settings is too much to include in this article, but here are a few common tips you can do immediately. You can increase the security on your device by resetting your system settings on each device.
You can purchase security apps that monitor your activity and protect you from most hackers and unwanted marketers. You can install a VPN to help hide your identity and location.
For further research, we suggest you read articles that address your problem or interest. Some people learn better by watching video tutorials. YouTube is the leader in finding self-help videos.
When all else fails, ask Google, Alexa, and/or Siri a verbal question. Artificial Intelligence already knows everything you want to learn about 5G and A.I. Just think, we are in a time when your refrigerator can notify your smart phone that you are low on milk and send a text message to your car to remind you that you need milk before you pass your favorite local supermarket.
They get you to switch over to new technology by showing you how A.I. can make life easier and how 5G will increase your overall experience. What they don’t tell you is why they are so eager to give it to you for free or cheaper than your last phone bill.
Keep in mind that corporations are in business to make a profit, and that the government is elected to make policies to work towards providing its citizens a basic quality of life.
Understanding both private and public motives is the basis to determining what you need to do to protect your information and get the most out of modern technology.

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